Replacing a key person with Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

In some businesses, there’s a key person. This is a person with a distinct knowledge or skill that is critical to the company. What happens if that person get’s sick, retires, or quits?

We should be prepared for this by first capturing as much data as possible regarding this position. Ideally, we do this in cooperation with the key person with the goal of assisting the key person and increasing their productivity, while also confirming our data. Imagine if the key person could simply double check the work of the machine instead of doing the work themselves each time.

What kind of positions can we apply this to?  What about a hair stylist, interior designer, hedge fund manager, or artist?  Can you think of any?

I’m in the process of collecting data for one right now.  I’ll try to update this post with the progress in the future.

man versus machine